Questions and Answers

What is the White Cliffs Foundation and what does it do?

WHITE CLIFFS Hair Studio prides itself on leading the Hair Replacement industry via its dedication to people, trustworthiness, and being an agent for change in an industry that has resisted change. We care about our clients as well as the community we serve.

Staying true to our founding values, we have created a nonprofit entity that allows access to those Hair Loss sufferers who need and desire our Hair Loss services but cannot afford them.

The WHITE CLIFFS Foundation gives hope to UK Hair Loss sufferers of any age by providing no-cost Hair Replacement for two eligible individuals per month – chosen by a committee of foundation Patrons.  Whether due to medical Hair Loss issues such as Alopecia or illness, WHITE CLIFFS believes that Hair Loss should not hinder a individual’s self confidence, expression, creativity, or their ability to live life to the fullest.

The WHITE CLIFFS Foundation is true to our beliefs that that “The Important Thing In Life Is Living It”.

Who can Apply for Assistance?

Please check you meet the criteria below:

1). Suffering from severe hair loss resulting from any medical-related cause or condition including Alopecia, Medical Treatments (Chemotherapy), Cancer, Hormone or Thyroid problems, etc.

The Criteria for Application and Selection to being a Foundation Recipient is meant to be straightforward and is considered fair and as thorough as possible:

2). Having a hair loss condition that is negatively impacting your life and quality of life to a high degree. For instance, being unable to go out, suffering social stigma, preventing you from holding employment, etc.

3). Having British Nationality.

4). A proven inability to pay for, or afford, our hair replacement / hair restoration products and services.

5). The Level to which we feel the products and services provided by the Foundation can potentially improve and positively impact your life—and inspire others.

6). An understanding that you may be unsuccessful in applying for a hair system.

All Applications are then pre-screened according to meeting the above Criteria. If successful, they then are given to our Foundation Committee for the final selection process.

How long does it take before I hear back from the Foundation?

It can take anywhere from 1 – 3 months to hear back from the Foundation committee. Successful applicants will be called in for an initial consultation to determine their suitably for our hair system solution.

What costs do the Foundation cover?

During the initial consultation, the level of support you will receive will be discussed with you; it can at minimum include one hair system, 1 complementary maintenance appointment and a full welcome pack. The costs we cover vary from applicant to applicant and all support levels can be reviewed at anytime.

If my application is unsuccessful, can I reapply?

Yes, you are welcome to reapply 8 months from the date of your first application. Your application will be re assessed independently from any previous applications.

How can I get involved, help raise funds or make a donation to the WHITE CLIFFS Foundation?

The WHITE CLIFFS Foundation is able to offer their services and products due to the generosity of WHITE CLIFFS Hair Studio as well as other donors. The Foundation relies solely on donations from companies and individuals in order to offer their services free of charge under the Foundation.
If you want to know ways you can help, get involved or to make a donation please contact Michelle Parekh.

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