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How Incredible is the WHITE CLIFFS Mayfair™ Hair System?  Ask Sean.

“Youth Restored”

Sean’s story is a simple one and not unlike thousands of young men who have lost their hair at a young age.  Sean was fed up with wearing a cap to hide his Hair Loss.  He was frustrated with looking much older than his years and only being able to show one look. His face is a very youthful one, and framed and complimented with hair brought back his youthful features and smile.

Being very active, Sean needed a Hair Systems that he could wear day in and day out; a Hair Systems that would never get hot; a Hair System that breathed like his skin; above all, a Hair System that showed a completely natural hairline.

“After looking all over, I finally found WHITE CLIFFS. I knew this was for me.  A WHITE CLIFFS Hair System was simply the closest nonsurgical solution to getting your real hair back. The whole Hair System, especially the front hairline, is simply a technological miracle.  It really looks like the hair is growing out of my skin. I feel totally confident in any situation from swimming to showering that it will stay that way. No one can tell it’s not my real hair under any circumstances. I am now enjoying life to its fullest and looking how I want to look.  I have my hair back like it never went away.”

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