Straight Talk from the Start …

Nobody expects a child to lose his or her hair. The causes range from underlying medical reasons like Alopecia to chemotherapy, to unexplained nervous conditions. Whatever the cause, losing one’s hair as a child can be a cruel blow to self-esteem. Children tend to become the unwilling targets of teasing and ridicule by classmates. Parents are often baffled as to how to help their children through this Hair Loss condition. Even worse, at a time when children should be diving into life and discovering new vistas, those children experiencing Hair Loss find themselves withdrawing and feeling like outsiders.

At WHITE CLIFFS we have spent years developing state-of-the-art, award-winning nonsurgical Hair Replacement solutions specially designed for children, including our Mayfair Hair Systems. Our highly trained and experienced staff works with Children suffering from Hair Loss to make them feel comfortable and confident. More importantly, restoring a child’s appearance to the way they looked before the Hair Loss condition also gives them back their confidence and self-esteem.

Take a moment to browse through this section on Hair Replacement for Children. You’ll read stories from children who have become WHITE CLIFFS clients and how their lives have changed. If you are the parent of a child experiencing Hair Loss, welcome. We understand what you and your child are enduring and we can help.

Before and After

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